Saturday, June 7, 2008

How Would Europe's Coaches React to Egypt's Victory?

If Egypt weren't coached by Hassan Shehata, and guided instead by one of Europe's high-profile managers, what would be the reaction of each one of them following the Pharaohs' 2-1 win over DR Congo?

Arsene Wenger: "It is always great to come back after conceding a goal, this game showed our real strength, depth and character.""This team has a bright future; no one will be able to defeat us after five seasons."

Alex Ferguson: "The referee denied us nine penalty kicks in the first half, I hope that Tunisia get the same treatment.""Amr Zaki is the best, I kept watching him since he was a kid and this is why I waited till his price reached $99 million before buying him."

Rafael Benitez: "Our squad consists of 45 players and I am so happy for Abdul-Aziz Tawfeek and Ahmed Eid, rotation is important if we want to play in 4 competitions."

Jose Mourinho: "The result of the first half was unfair because we dominated possession."We are used to this; everyone wants to defeat us because we are very great. Everyone wants to defeat the special one."

Frank Rijkaard: "Our defense is horrible, the strikers are too lazy, we won only by luck, but we will qualify to the World Cup."

Bernd Schuster: "It wasn’t an easy win, we still need 50 % of our performance but we are winning and we will win the World Cup."

Claudio Ranieri: "I know Patrice Neveu, he is a friend of mine (laughs), they could win the game and people could have screwed me up (laughs) but fortunately we won."

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

بايرن ميونخ ينهي المفاوضات مع نادي فالنسيا بخصوص الحارس هيلدبراند

اشارت اخر الاخبار الوارده من الماركا ان نادي بايرن ميونخ الالماني انهى المفاوضات مع حارس نادي فالنسيا هيلدبراند بسبب تعاقده مع حارس مرمى بنفيكا هانزيورغ بوت, نادي فالنسيا يريد ان يبقى الاعب في الفريق, ومن جانبه فأن فالنسيا يريد الحصول على خدمات حارس اشبيليه بالوب فأن انتقل الى فالنسيا سوف يكون هناك تنافس بين الحارسين على المركز الاساسي

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كـانـتـونا يوجـه رسـائل لـ رونالدو يقول فيـها :" المـان سوف يكون جيد معك أو دونـك

بعد الكثير من الأخبار حول إنتقال اللاعب البرتغالي ولاعب خط وسط نادي مانشستر يونايتد الإنجليزي كريستيانو رونالدو إلى صفوف نادي ريال مدريد الإسباني واجه أسطورة المان يو السيد ايريك كانتونا وسائل الإعلام الإنجليزيه وقام بتوجيه رسائل إلى كريستيانو رونالدو حيث قال :" أعتقد بأن مانشستر سوف يكون أفضل معك أو دونك " وأضاف كانتونا قائلاً :" يجب على مانشستر أن تكون غير قلقه من خروج رونالدو " ، الجدير بالذكر أن رونالدو أعرب في الأيام القليله الماضيه بأنه سوف ينضم إلى صفوف النادي الملكي هذا الصيف وإذا رفض المان يو تحركه هذا الصيف فأنه سوف يغادر الصيف القادم ، هذا وقد قال كانتونا :" مانشستر من أفضل الأنديه في العالم فـ الفريق كان يكسب الألقاب جيل بعد جيل والفريق دائماً يكسب دون حاجه إلى لاعب واحد " ، يذكر أن صاحب الـ 23 عاماً قدم آداء جيد الموسم المنصرم حيث سجل 42 هدف في جميع البطولات ، هذا وقد أشار رونالدو مسبقاً بأنه يحتاج لـ بعض الوقت من أجل التفكير في مستقبله وهو وضع وقت لـ التفكير والآن الوقت أنتهت ورونالدو لم يكشف أين سوف يكون مستقبله الموسم القادم ، هذا وقد أكد الرئيس التنفيذي بنادي مانشستر السيد ديفيد جيل بأن رونالدو سوف يستمر مع النادي الموسم القادم حيث قال :" موقفنا واضح حيث أنني قلت ومدرب الفريق السيد فيرغسون ذكر في الأسبوع الماضي بأن رونالدو سـ يستمر مع الفريق

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بودولسكي سينتقل من البايرن

على مايبدو أن علاقة بايرن ميونخ بمهاجم فريقه الشاب لوكاس بودولسكي قد إنتهت حيث يسعى بطل الدوري الألماني لبيعه نظراً للمستوى الهابط الذي قدمه اللاعب مع الفريق ، اللاعب البالغ من العمر 23 عاماً أكد أنه لا يشعر بالراحه حالياً مع الفريق وطبقاً للصحف الألمانية التى تُشير إلى أن هناك عرضاً للمهاجم الدولي الألماني أولهم من فريقة السابق الذي صعد للدرجة الأولى نادي كولون كما أن نادي مانشستر سيتي الإنجليزي يرغب بضم هذا المهاجم أيضاً لأنه مرغوب من قبل مدرب الفريق الجديد مارك هيوز الذي تم تعيينه يوم أمس مدرباً للسيتيزيس

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خروج هنري وريبري من تدريب منتخب فرنسا

خرج المهاجم تييري هنري ولاعب خط الوسط فرانك ريبري بعد نصف ساعة من اول تدريب لمنتخب فرنسا في سويسرا استعدادا لكأس اوروبا 2008 الخميس. وقال متحدث باسم الفريق ان ريبري الذي شوهد يمسك كاحله الايمن كان قد تلقى ضربة في مباراة فرنسا امام كولومبيا يوم الثلاثاء الماضي. واضاف المتحدث ان هنري غادر التدريب ليخضع لعلاج. وعاد باتريك فييرا قائد منتخب فرنسا الذي سيغيب عن المباراة الاولى لبلاده امام رومانيا في المجموعة الثالثة يوم الاثنين القادم بسبب الاصابة للتدريب للمرة الاولى منذ اصابته في الفخذ الايسر يوم الجمعة الماضي اثناء التدريب

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الايطاليون يتدربون على طقوس الاحتفال حال فوزهم ببطولة يورو 2008

تدرب المنتخب الايطالي لكرة القدم مرة أخرى على "حمام الشامبانيا" حتى يكون على أتم استعداد للاحتفال حال فوزه ببطولة كأس الامم الاوروبية التي تنطلق الاسبوع المقبل في النسما وسويسرا.وقام حارس مرمى المنتخب الايطالي جيانلويجي بوفون والمدافع انطونيو كاسانو برش قطرات الشامبانيا الفاخرة على الضيوف الذين تجمعوا احتفالا ببدء معسكر المنتخب الايطالي في أوبرفالترسدورف بالقرب من فيينا.وسادت روح المرح خلال هذه اللحظات التي تذكر بلحظات الانتصار والتي كان آخرها فوز المنتخب الايطالي ببطولة كأس العالم الاخيرة قبل عامين في ألمانيا.جاء هذا بعد أن فض أفراد المنتخب الايطالي الشريط الاحمر لمعسكرهم الذي يضم مركزا صحفيا ومطعما ومقهى كما تولى جيانكارلو أبيتي ، رئيس الاتحاد الايطالي لكرة القدم شخصيا مهمة تقطيع التورتة الضخمة التي أعدت احتفالا بوصول أبطال العالم

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على ذمة الـ " ماركا " , قرار رونالدو : الإنتقال لـ مدريد

على ذمه الماركا إن رونالدو قد أخبر اصدقائه و عائلته بأنه يريد الذهاب إلى ريال مدريد , و قد ذكرت الماركا هذه القصه وهي متأكده لهز السير فريغسون , كل المصادر الإعلاميه حتى الآن قرار كريستيانو , ولكن الصحافه الإسبانيه تحيزت كثيره لنيه اللاعب للإنتقال لريال مدريد , وقد أثارت الماركا الضجه حتى قبل إعلان الريال بنيته باللاعب , وكل هذه القصص التي أصدرتها الماركا متحالفه مع رئيس ريال مدريد كالديرون و المدير الرياضي , لذا فإن فريق المانيو لم يجدوا حلاً إلا التوجه للفيفا , ولكن خبر الماركا الجديد أثار ضجه جديده حول نية اللاعب او حول قرار اللاعب للإنتقال لريال مدريد , والجدير بالذكر بإن كالديرون يحاول اللعب بهدوء مع كريستيانو ليتفادى غضب مانشستر , ولكن حتى الآن لاتوجد أخبار أكيده بل كل هذا مجرد أخبار أوليه و كل شي سيتحدد بعد اليورو , لعبة الفأر و القطه للماركا و مدريد تستمر , وخصوصاً بعد القصه الجديده للماركا حول قرار اللاعب , والذي سيثير المانيو أكثر

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أديبابـور يوافق على الإنضمام للميـلان !

أشارت صحيفة الجازيتا ديلا سبورت بأن النجم التوغولي وافق على الإنتقال الى الميلان ، حيث يعد أديبايور هو الهدف الأول و الأساسي للميلان ، الروسونيري توصل الى إتفاق مع اللاعب ، و الآن الأمر يعود لـ بيرلسكوني رئيس الميلان ، حيث أن آرسنال يطلب 40 مليون يورو لبيع اللاعب .و قد أشارت صحيفة الـ " Republic " بأن بعد أن أعار الميلان الفرنسي الشاب يوهان جوركوف الى بوردو ، سوف يبيع الميلان الكرواتي داريو سميتش لـ نادي غلطسراي ، بينما كوستاكورتا المدرب المساعد الثاني للميلان سوف يغادر أسبانيا للتدريب في خيتافي .و قد أشارت صحيفة الأخرى كوريرا ديلا سيرا بأن البديل في حالة فشل صفقة أديبايور سوف يكون كل من دروغبا نجم تشلسي و إيتو نجم برشلونة و بيرباتوف نجم توتنهام و الأخير ماريو غوميز ، بينما باولو مالديني قائد الفريق ليس مرتبط بـ تجديد العقد و قد يعتزل قريباً و أكدت بأن بديله سميتش سوف يغادر الى تركيا

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يوفنتوس تريد ستانكوفيتش و بورديسو ..!!

على ذمة التقارير الصادرة من الصحيفة الشهيرة الـ Corriere dello Sport الإيطالية بأن نادي يوفنتوس يريد خدمات كلآ من لاعب خط دفاع نادي إنتر ميلان الإيطالي الإرجنتيني نيكولاس بورديسو و لاعب خط وسط نادي الإنتر الإيطالي الصربي ديان ستانكوفيتش , وعلمآ بأن مدرب الإنتر البرتغالي السيد خوزية مورينهو وضع قائمة اللاعبين الذين من المحتمل خروجهم من الفريق و أهم اللاعبين ديان ستانكوفيتش و نيكولاس بورديسو و هيرنان كريسبو و ديفيد سوازو و ليتي رويبيرو أدريانو , الجدير بالذكر أن ستانكوفيتش كان مفضل جداً من قبل المدير الفني السابق السيد روبيرتو مانشيني و كذلك بورديسو , وعلى أية حال نادي يوفنتوس يريد خطف اللاعبآن ستانكوفيتش و بورديسو

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

مـورينهو يستعـد لـ التخلي عن خمس لاعبـن وقد يكـون كريسبو وستانكوفيتـش أول المغادرين !

حسبما الت إليه وسائل الإعلام الإيطاليه فأن المدير الفني الجديد بنادي إنتر ميلان الإيطالي السيد خوسيه مورينهو وضع خمسة لاعبين في قائمة الإنتقالات الصيفيه من أجل التخلي عنهم ومن بين أبرز اللاعبين هما اللاعب الأرجنتيني هيرنان كريسبو واللاعب ديغان ستانكوفيتش ، هذا وقد أعترف مورينهو بأنه بدأ يخطط للإنتقالات الصيفيه من الآن ، هذا وقد روجت صحيفة Gazzetta dello Sport في عددها لهذا اليوم بأن مورينهو وضع ستانكوفيتش وكريسبو وديفيد سوازو ضمن القائمة التي يريد التخلي عنها هذا الصيف ، الجدير بالذكر أن ستانكوفيتش كان مفضل جداً من قبل المدير الفني السابق روبيرتو مانشيني ، ، هذا ومن المحتمل أن يكون نيكولاس بورديسو هو اللاعب الرابع الذي قد يكون خارج صفوف الإنتر للموسم القادم ، وقد يكون أيضاً أدريانو هو اللاعب الخامس الذي يريد موينهو الإستغناء عنه ، هذا ومن المحتمل أن يستخدم مورينهو المال الذي سوف يحصل عليه من خلال بيع اللاعبين المذكورين في التعاقد مع ثلاثة صفقات ومن بين هذه الصفقات صفقة فرانك لامبارد الذي أرتبط بالإنتقال إلى الإنتر منذ إستلام مورينهو منصب المدير الفني

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برشلونه يستعد للتوقيع مع مانسيني

طبقاً لما أشارت إليه صحيفة الدياريو سبورت أن مدرب نادي برشلونه الإسباني جوسيب جوارديولا يستعد حالياً للحصول على خدمات لاعب خط وسط نادي روما الإيطالي أمانتينو مانسني ، كل الأخبار تتوقع خروج مانسيني من فريق العاصمه روما هذا الصيف حيث ينتهي عقد اللاعب في عام 2009 وهو رفض التجديد مع النادي الإيطالي ، اللاعب البرازيلي أرتبط بالإنتقال إلى أفضل الأنديه الأوروبيه ومنها يوفنتوس وإنتر ميلان من إيطاليا وليفربول من إنجلترا وليون من فرنسا ونادي روما الإيطالي يسعى إلى إستغلال وضعه قبل نهاية عقده وذلك من خلال بيعه بمبلغ كبير بعض الشيء حتى لا ينتقل بالمجان السنة المقبله ، وذكرت صحيفة الدياريو سبورت أن جوارديولا متحمس لضم مانسيني في حال رفض رئيس نادي إشبيليه الإسباني السيد خوزيه ماريا ديل نيدو التخفيض من قيمة اللاعب البرازيلي دانييل ألفيش ، العديد من رؤوساء البلوغرانا سيجتمعون هذا الأسبوع ويتقدمهم السيد تكسيكي لملاقاة وكيل أعمال مانسيني السيد إرنيستو برونزيتي للتحدث في أمور هذه الصفقه ، يذكر أن مانسيني أنضم لروما عام 2003 وسجل الموسم المنقضي 8 أهداف في 31 مباراة .

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Hughes takes Man City job

Manchester City manager Mark Hughes has been promised substantial funds for new players after taking over at Eastlands.
Hughes will be unveiled to the media on Thursday after agreeing a three-year deal.
The former Blackburn boss replaces Sven-Goran Eriksson, who left the club on Monday after only a season in charge and is now coach of Mexico.
New executive chairman Gary Cook told "The club intends to invest in new players as well as securing the long-term services of key members of the current first-team squad.
"Mark has already identified some of the players and backroom staff that he wants to see here at City, and we will begin the process of recruiting them immediately."
Hughes will take up his new position with immediate effect and is expected to be followed by his assistants Mark Bowen and Eddie Niedzwiecki with compensation already settled.
There is some turmoil in the dressing room with captain Richard Dunne unsettled and dismayed at the way contract talks unfolded as it became clear Eriksson was about to be shown the door.
Micah Richards, Michael Johnson and Stephen Ireland are among the younger generation who will need to be convinced by Hughes that City are a progressive club.
Hughes also knows that City are short up front and recruiting a quality striker will undoubtedly be a priority in the transfer market.
He has shown himself to have an eye for a bargain in that department during his time at Blackburn by drafting in Benni McCarthy then Roque Santa Cruz with no little success.
City are delighted to have secured Hughes' services as Chelsea were also understood to be in the frame to appoint him after the departure of Avram Grant.
Cook himself has only just had his appointment confirmed by owner Thaksin Shinawatra and flew in from the USA to seal the deal.
Cook, who met Hughes on Tuesday night, said: "I am delighted to welcome Mark on board.
"In our view he is the brightest young manager in the game and he was our number one target for the manager's job.
"He made it clear to us from the moment we met that he shared our vision and ambition to make Manchester City one of the top sides in the country.
"It's a privilege to join Dr Thaksin here at Manchester City. There is no better opportunity in world football."
Hughes began his managerial career with the Wales national team following his international retirement in 1999.
The Principality were at a low ebb when Hughes took over but the former striker turned things round and, after beating Italy, they narrowly failed to reach Euro 2004 when they were beaten in a play-off by Russia.
Hughes left his post in September 2004 to take over at Blackburn, who were struggling at the wrong end of the Premier League table.
In his four years at Ewood Park, Hughes - who had a spell at the club - transformed the side into a top-six outfit, twice qualifying for the UEFA Cup.
Rovers also reached the semi-finals of the FA Cup twice and the last four of the Carling Cup, while Hughes has proved himself a shrewd operator in the transfer market.
Winger David Bentley and full-back Stephen Warnock have also graduated to the England side under his tenure.
Blackburn just missed out on European football for next season and, with City having qualified through the Fair Play League, that may have influenced Hughes' decision.

Mark Hughes Factfile
: Born Wrexham on November 1.
1978: Signs schoolboy forms with Manchester United in March.
1980: Joins United as an apprentice in June, but in November signs professional terms.
1983: Makes debut for United in League Cup tie against Oxford United.
1984: Scores on international debut for Wales against England.
1985: March - Awarded PFA Young Player of the Year award.
May - Wins FA Cup winners' medal as United beat Everton 1-0.
1986: Joins Barcelona in a £2.3million deal.
1987: After an unhappy time scoring four goals in 28 games for Barca, Hughes is loaned out to Bayern Munich.
1988: Signs again for Manchester United for £1.8million.
1989: Awarded PFA Player of the Year.
1990: Wins FA Cup with United after a replay. Scored twice in the first game.
1991: March: Wins his second PFA Player of the Year Award.
May: Scores twice against Barcelona as United win European Cup Winners' Cup.
1992: Member of the United side that wins the League Cup.
1993: In the United side that wins inaugural Premiership title.
1994: April - Scores last-minute equaliser against Oldham Athletic in FA Cup semi-final at Wembley.
May - United win the league and FA Cup double with Hughes a pivotal part of the side.
1995: Signs for Chelsea for £1.5million.
1997: Wins fourth FA Cup winners' medal after Chelsea beat Middlesbrough 2-0.
1998: Wins second European Cup Winners' Cup medal with Chelsea. Moves to Southampton before start of 1998-99 season.
1999: Takes temporary joint-charge of Wales with Neville Southall for the Euro 2000 game against Denmark in June, following Bobby Gould's sudden resignation.
August 3 - Appointed Wales manager for the last two European Championship qualifiers.
November 25 - Agrees four-and-a-half-year deal as Wales manager, the first 18 months of which is to be served on a part-time basis.
2000: March 14 - Joins Everton on a 14-month deal, scoring one goal in 15 appearances.
October 24 - Joins Blackburn on a free transfer, helping them to secure promotion to the Premiership.
2001: June - Wales fail to qualify for 2002 World Cup after winning just two of their last 12 games.
Scores two goals in 25 appearances as Rovers maintain their top-flight status and win the Worthington Cup and a place in Europe.
2002: May 13 - Told his contract will not be renewed by Blackburn and retires at the age of 38.
October 16 - Goals from Craig Bellamy and Simon Davies give Wales a 2-1 European Championship qualifying win against Italy at the Millennium Stadium.
2003: August 20 - Wales are beaten 1-0 by Serbia & Montenegro to give Italy hope of claiming top spot.
September 6 - Italy go top, beating Wales 4-0 with Filippo Inzaghi scoring a hat-trick.
September 10 - Wales guarantee themselves a play-off place after battling to a 1-1 draw with Finland. Hopes of qualifying automatically are gone.
November 20 - Wales beaten by Russia in Euro 2004 play-off but Hughes insists he wants to stay in charge.
2004: June 12 - Awarded OBE in Queen's birthday honours list.
August 18 - Wales beat Latvia 2-0 in a friendly. John Hartson and Craig Bellamy score late goals to extend Wales unbeaten record to five matches.
September 4 - Poor start to the World Cup qualifying campaign with a 1-1 away draw against Azerbaijan.
September 8 - A late Robert Earnshaw strike earns Wales a point in a stormy 2-2 draw against Northern Ireland.
September 13 - Hughes insists he has "no plans" to give up Wales job, despite reported interest from managerless Blackburn.
September 14 - Hughes' representative, Dennis Roach, says that Hughes would be keen to speak with Blackburn about the vacancy.
"This is the kind of job that would interest him," said Roach.
September 15 - Named manager of Blackburn.
2004-05: Steers Blackburn to safety and to the semi-finals of the FA Cup, where they lose to Arsenal at the Millennium Stadium.
2005-06: Blackburn finish sixth and qualify for the UEFA Cup.
2007: February 22 -Rovers bow out of the UEFA Cup after a defeat in the round of 32 to German side Bayer Leverkusen.
April 15: Blackburn reach the FA Cup semi-finals for a second time under Hughes, this time losing to eventual cup winners Chelsea.
July 28: Blackburn return to the UEFA Cup after beating Vetra 6-0 on aggregate in the Intertoto Cup.
October 4: Rovers are surprisingly beaten 3-2 on aggregate by Greek side Larissa in the UEFA Cup first round.
2008: May - Rovers finish seventh in the Premier League but miss out on European qualification.
June 2: Blackburn grant permission for Hughes to talk to Manchester City regarding the managerial vacancy at Eastlands.
June 4: Appointed as Manchester City manager on a three-year contract.

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Manchester United chief executive David Gill has reiterated that Cristiano Ronaldo will remain at Old Trafford.
The Portugal winger is currently preparing for Euro 2008 after scoring 42 goals last season.
But there is continued speculation about the 23-year-old's future plans ahead of the tournament in Austria and Switzerland.
United remain bullish about the situation and insist he will stay their player.
"Our position is clear. Sir Alex (Ferguson) and I stated it in the last week," said Gill as he announced they are to play Portsmouth in a dress rehearsal for the Community Shield in Nigeria in July.
"That's it. That's all we are going to say on the matter, full stop."
The exhibition match will be the finale to the Tinapa Business Resorts soccer tournament.
The date and venue have still to be arranged with United travelling to Nigeria from South Africa, where they are involved in the Vodacom Challenge tournament from July 19-26.
Gill said: "It is not the 39th game by stealth, don't worry about that. It is just a coincidence we are playing Portsmouth.
"Exhibition games overseas can help Manchester United but also the Premier League in terms of making sure it is at the forefront of those fans' minds when it comes to selling it.
"Nigeria is home to our fourth largest fan base with some 13.6 million followers and we will be taking a strong squad.
"Sir Alex and the team are always keen to visit new places.
"This match will give an opportunity for our many fans in Nigeria to see the team in the flesh and provide a climax to our summer tour."
Gill confirmed that Ronaldo will not be travelling to South Africa or Nigeria but only because he will be on holiday after Euro 2008.
United are already looking to the future after winning the Champions League and retaining their Barclays Premier League title.
A fee has been agreed with Cardiff for midfielder Aaron Ramsey, who played in the FA Cup final.
At least two other Premier League clubs are chasing the 17-year-old but Gill said: "I am confident."
Should everything go to plan, Ramsey will be loaned back to the Championship side next season.

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Manchester United's response to the expected announcement from Cristiano Ronaldo that he wants to leave the club for Real Madrid will be devastatingly simple: ignore it.

Regardless of what Ronaldo publicly declares in his much-anticipated (but already overdue) statement on his future, the Premiership champions are adamant that he will not be sold this summer.
Contrary to previous reports, Sir Alex Ferguson has no intention of flying to Portugal's Euro 2008 base in order to persuade the player to stay at Old Trafford. Far from an admission that such an attempt would be futile, Ferguson apparently remains fully confident that, with Ronaldo's current contract due to expire in 2011, the club will not consider selling the forward even if he pleads for a transfer.
"The core structure of the club is adamant and of the same mind that we want Cristiano to stay for a long time," Ferguson commented two weeks ago and, if anything, that attitude has since hardened in response to what the club perceives as the underhand methods of Madrid. At the weekend, Ferguson revealed that the Glazer family, which owns the club, would prefer to see Ronaldo "rot" rather than sell him, and United have already threatened to report the Spanish outfit to FIFA over their public pursuit of the Portugal attacker.
That threat included a reminder of the 'fact that the player is on a long-term contract and his registration is held by Manchester United', as well as the vow that 'the player is not for sale', and United will not be shifted from that stance easily. Nor, according to reports, have they any intention of offering the player a new contract in order to placate him.

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Tottenham have reportedly offered Dimi Berbatov a new contract after failing to receive a bid for the want-away Bulgarian.

Berbatov is intent on leaving White Hart Lane this summer in order to secure Champions League football but, as yet, no offers have been forthcoming. While Real Madrid, Barcelona and AC Milan are reported to have expressed an interest in Berbatov, Spurs haven't received a formal offer. Both Chelsea and Manchester Untied may have been scared off by the £35m price-tag Spurs have reputedly slapped on Berbatov - approximately £10m more than he would cost his foreign suitors.
According to The Daily Mail, Tottenham have responded by making a new offer to Berbatov worth around £70,000-a-week, which will make him one of their highest earners.
'But the 27-year-old is still keen to move to a side playing in the Champions League and has his heart set on a switch to Spain. Head coach Juande Ramos has already begun planning for life without Berbatov and, with first-choice target Samuel Eto'o likely to prove elusive, the Spaniard is looking at Real Zaragoza striker Diego Milito.'

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Arsene Wenger believes Arsenal are capable of winning the Premier League and Champions League next season.
The Gunners finished last term without any silverware after suffering a dip in form at a crucial period, winning just one league game between February 23 and April 13 and crashing out of Europe to Liverpool.
But Wenger was encouraged by Arsenal's performances and is hopeful of mounting an even stronger challenge when the new campaign gets going.
"I think we can win everything. We are very, very close," Wenger said in the Daily Express, taken from the Arsenal Season Review DVD.
"Now that the Champions League final has become an FA Cup final (after Manchester United beat Chelsea in Moscow) the team who is very strong in England has a good chance to win the European Cup.
"The Premier League title goes down to one game, won or lost."
Wenger thinks Arsenal were the best attacking force in the Premier League last season and would have finished top had their defence been stronger.
He added: "I believe overall quality, going forward, we were the best team in the League.

"However, Arsenal conceded 10 more goals than the others and that made the difference.
"It's very difficult to take a perspective in what people expected from us at the start of the season, and the fact we are disappointed for not winning the championship.
"We have done beyond expectation, but, as well, we are disappointed beyond expectation as we have not won the championship. But we feel we are very, very close."

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Porto have been excluded from next season's Champions League following a bribery scandal.
The Portuguese giants stormed to the SuperLiga title in the recently-completed season, but their achievement was overshadowed by a six-point deduction they received for attempting to bribe referees during the 2003/04 campaign.
And a statement on the club's official website confirmed they would not play in Europe's elite club competition next season as a result of events four years ago.
"FC Porto was today notified by the UEFA Disciplinary Committee of the decision to not admit FC Porto to the 2008/09 edition of the UEFA Champions League," read the statement.
"FC Porto will appeal against this decision to the UEFA Appeals Body."

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho would not rule out a raid on his former club Chelsea, despite revealing he only intends to make two or three new signings for the Milan side.
Frank Lampard and Didier Drogba have both been linked with a move to the Italian giants since Mourinho was confirmed as their new coach, but the Portuguese boss would not name any names when he was presented to the media on Tuesday.
Nevertheless, there was no hiding his esteem for the players he had at the Blues and Mourinho admitted he would be willing to buy - if Chelsea are willing to sell.
"I think it is normal as a consequence of the relationship with my players," he said. "Almost all of them want to work with me again in the future and the same goes for me.
"I have a great relationship with almost all of my players and it is normal that these rumours spread.
"But it depends on whether Chelsea want to sell - there has got to be a relation between what one club wants and what another club wants to do.
"The president knows what I would like, but I am not discussing names with the press."

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Monday, June 2, 2008

Cannavaro out of Euro 2008

Italy captain Fabio Cannavaro has been ruled out of Euro 2008 due to an ankle injury, according to reports.
Cannavaro suffered the injury after a training ground collision with team-mate Giorgio Chiellini on Monday.
The influential centre-half lay on the turf for 20 minutes before being carried away on a stretcher and taken to hospital.
The Italian medical staff had been hopeful that Cannavaro's injury was not serious, but scans have shown up ankle ligament damage.
He will now be forced to sit out the upcoming European Championship, with the length of his absence yet to be determined.

Though the Italian Football Federation has yet to confirm Cannavaro's absence, the 34-year-old told reporters: "I'm going home."
With Cannavaro now missing from his plans, Azzurri coach Roberto Donadoni will have to call up a replacement.
Daniele Bonera and Alessandro Gamberini are the likely candidates to take Cannavaro's place in the squad for the tournament.
Italy open up their Euro 2008 campaign against Holland on 9th June before the world champions play Romania and France in Group C.

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Ronaldo scare for Portugal

Cristiano Ronaldo left training on Monday with a pack of ice wrapped around his right ankle.
The Portuguese ace looked comfortable throughout a relaxed session, but required treatment from the medical staff before he headed for the dressing rooms.
He did not appear to be limping, or be in any pain, and the situation remains unclear as the Portugal camp refused to confirm the nature of the problem.
With their opening Euro 2008 game just five days away, Luiz Felipe Scolari will be desperate for his wing wizard to shake off the knock in time to face to Turkey.
Portugal were training at their tournament base in Neuchatel, with the players allowed to take things easy in an attempt to avoid any potential pitfalls.
Having failed to do so, Scolari will also be concerned by the fact that new Chelsea defender Jose Bosingwa was once again forced to run drills away from the main group.
The Portuguese are tipped to make light work of a group which also contains Switzerland and Czech Republic, but they will be keen to have their top talents available from the off.
They narrowly missed out on home soil four years ago, finishing as runners-up to Greece, and will be keen to go one better this time around.
Their chances of fulfilling that dream are likely to rest on the shoulders of Manchester United star Ronaldo, and a nation will currently be praying that the world's best player is a quick healer.

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Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon has refused a request from Manchester United to rule out ever making a move for Portugal winger Cristiano Ronaldo.

However, Calderon has conceded he is unlikely to sign the 23-year-old this summer.
In an interview with Spanish sports paper Marca, Calderon dismissed a formal request from Manchester United managing director David Gill for Madrid to publicly abandon their pursuit of the player.
But Calderon said signing Ronaldo was "impossible" and sought to play down the row between the two sides which has erupted in the wake of the Spanish team's public pursuit of the Portugal forward.
"At the moment it seems impossible for him to come," he said.
"We shouldn't talk about Ronaldo any more because at the moment it's impossible.
"It's an aspiration which has no chance of happening because his club have said they are not selling and we must not talk about it any more."
Calderon added: "The managing director sent me a letter telling me they will never sell him and even asking me to publicly declare that I will never sign him, which is something which doesn't make much sense."
And he said: "We have to think that at the moment, whatever Cristiano says, Manchester won't sell him."
Nevertheless, Calderon admitted that he would still love to sign the Portugal forward.
He continued: "We would love to have Cristiano or any of the (world's) great players here."
The 57 year-old also reiterated that his club have the financial muscle to prise the young winger away from Old Trafford.
He said: "The decision will be made by the coaches, but nothing is expensive or cheap on its own, before analysing what the counter-balance is from what you receive for the price you pay.
"Here (at Real Madrid), 75 million (euros) was paid six years ago for a 29-year-old player (Zinedine Zidane) and nobody questioned it.
"What I have always said is that this club want the money to be on the pitch and not in the bank, and it is (made) public that Madrid has it.
"They know what we earn, that doesn't mean the club are going to throw it away. We are not going to throw our money around.
"Last year we made signings which looked expensive, but now they look reasonable."
Calderon says he does not know how much Ronaldo would cost Real.
"I don't know. I am not aware of his contract. That is something between Cristiano and Manchester and I can't answer it," he said.
And he added: "He is still not on the market, so I cannot say. We don't even know if he will come."
The Real president also looked to play down the recent row between Madrid and United.
"Speaking more about this will only damage the relationship between the clubs.
"(Things like) occupation of countries and turning Columbus into a Spaniard have already been talked about," he said, in reference to quotes made by United number two Carlos Queiroz last week about Real's behaviour, when he accused the Spanish club of trying to 'nationalise' Ronaldo.
Calderon claims he does not know if the player wants to join Madrid.
"There is a good relationship (with Manchester United) and I have said that if someone decides to leave, it is very difficult to keep them.
"We don't know if Ronaldo wants to leave or not, that seems to me to be getting ahead of the events.
"If I talk about it, I will be criticised for having said there is a chance he will come. If it doesn't happen, it appears a failure," he said.
"So much has been said that we don't know if it's true that he wants to leave.
"We don't know if he will say nothing or if he will say something different.
"If he says something different, Manchester will have to act and if they want to negotiate with Madrid or another club, they will do so. But they have already said they won't sell."
The Real president says he will not be to blame if the deal fails to go ahead.
"If he doesn't come, I won't consider myself guilty.
"What happened with Kaka (last year) was different.
"(Sporting director Pedja) Mijatovic had it (the deal) very advanced, also with Cesc (Fabregas), and it seemed a good idea to tell (people) what our project was.
"It didn't happen and I am sorry because they would have helped us a lot."
Calderon says the Ronaldo deal is now out of his hands.
"Right now, the Cristiano thing is beyond me," he said.
"For him to come, the player will have to say that he is leaving, then Manchester have to want to sell, we will have to play... there are many circumstances which must come together."
The Real president, who has led the team to back-to-back titles since taking over from Florentino Perez, said he is happy with his squad, with or without Ronaldo.
"There is a young, balanced and unified squad (here), and I don't want to upset that. Whoever comes, I propose that it doesn't change much. It's not necessary.
"With this team I think we can win the Champions League and whatever (or whoever) helps that will be welcome.
"But this team will grow, they will be more convincing, they will understand the coach better. It shouldn't be forgotten that we won the league with a record number of points," he added

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Inter Milan have confirmed the appointment of
former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho
as Roberto Mancini's successor.
Mourinho, who was sacked by Chelsea in September, has been out of the game since then, biding his time until finding a suitable role to take.

The Serie A champions finally parted company with Mancini last week after months of speculation and the Portuguese boss, a Champions League winner with Porto in 2004, has signed a three-year deal at the San Siro.
Mourinho will be unveiled on Tuesady at a press conference at 11.30am local time. A statement on Inter's website,, confirmed: "Internazionale announce the arrival of Jose Mourinho.
"The Portuguese coach has signed a three-year contract and will work alongside Rui Farias, Silvino and Andrei Villas Boas.
"The assistant coach will be Giuseppe Baresi."
It continued: "Thanking Roberto Mancini and his staff for the success obtained in four seasons as the leader of the team, all of Internazionale has the great pleasure to welcome Jose Mourinho and his coaches."
Mourinho has big shoes to fill as Mancini led Inter to the Serie A title in each of the last three seasons.
Mancini's departure was a protracted affair, with reports last week suggesting there had been a breakdown in communication between the coach and president Massimo Moratti.
Mancini's agent claimed after Tuesday's 25-minute meeting between the pair that his client had left the club and would be replaced by Mourinho.
The Italian's dismissal was confirmed by the club on Thursday, just hours after Inter had threatened legal action because of reports they claimed did not "correspond to the truth of the facts".
Inter cited Mancini's announcement in the wake of their Champions League defeat to Liverpool on March 11 that he would step down at the end of the season as a crucial factor.
Mancini reversed his decision 24 hours later and went on to lead Inter to their third straight Serie A title, but after much speculation, his departure was confirmed on Thursday evening.
Mourinho has long been linked with the post at the San Siro.
He was appointed as manager of Chelsea back in 2004 after leading Porto to the Champions League title.
He led Chelsea to back-to-back Premier League titles, but could not bring the Champions League trophy to Stamford Bridge in just over three years in charge at the London club.
He left Chelsea last September by mutual consent and has been linked with a host of top jobs since.
Jose Mourinho Factfile
1963: Born on January 26. Father Felix Mourinho was a former Portugal goalkeeper.
1992: Takes first high-profile role in football when being appointed to work under Bobby Robson at Sporting Lisbon after middle-ranking jobs at Estrela Amadora and Vitoria Setubal. Begins as Robson's translator before becoming involved in team affairs.
1993: Moves on with Robson when the veteran coach goes to Porto. In three years at Porto, the team win two league titles.
1996: Joins Barcelona in the summer of 1996 as assistant coach to Robson.
1997: Stays on at the Nou Camp after Robson departs, taking up a role under new coach Louis van Gaal.
2000: Takes his first head coaching job at Benfica but lasts just nine games before resigning due to problems in the boardroom.
2001: Appointed coach of Uniao de Leiria and guides the club into the top five of the Portuguese league midway through the 2001-02 season.
2002: Joins Porto in January and the club overcome their poor start to the league season to finish third. In Mourinho's first full season in charge, Porto win the treble of domestic league and cup, and UEFA Cup.
2004: Having already successfully defended their Portuguese league title, Porto win the Champions League title in Monaco on May 26 with a 3-0 victory over Monaco.
June 2 - Appointed manager of Chelsea.
2005: January 30 - A Sunday newspaper reports Mourinho, chief executive Peter Kenyon and Ashley Cole had a meeting in the Royal Park Hotel at Lancaster Gate - allegations constituting an illegal approach. Less than a week later the Premier League launch an inquiry.
February 23 - Following a 2-1 defeat at Barcelona - in which Didier Drogba was sent off - in the first leg of the Champions League first knock-out round, Mourinho claims Barca manager Frank Rijkaard went into referee Anders Frisk's dressing room at half-time. UEFA's official observers said they witnessed nothing untoward.
February 27 - Chelsea win their first trophy under Mourinho, the Carling Cup, with 3-2 win over Liverpool. Mourinho is involved in more controversy, having wandered along the touchline in front of the Liverpool fans putting his fingers to his lips. Mourinho is later "reminded of his responsibilities" by the FA.
March 21 - UEFA charge Mourinho, assistant boss Steve Clarke and security official Les Miles with making "wrong and unfounded" statements about the alleged meeting between Frisk and Rijkaard.
March 23 - FA charge Mourinho, Chelsea and Ashley Cole in relation to alleged 'tapping-up' hotel meeting.
March 31 - Handed two-match touchline ban and 20,000 Swiss francs (around £9,000) fine by UEFA's control and disciplinary body. Club fined 75,000 Swiss francs (£33,000).
April 30 - Chelsea seal Barclays Premiership title with 2-0 win at Bolton.
May 4 - Mourinho agrees terms on a new five-year contract.
June 1 - Found to be in breach of Premier League Rule Q, governing managers' conduct in relation to Chelsea's illegal approach to Arsenal full-back Cole. Fined £200,000 by the Premier League, later reduced to £75,000 on appeal.
2006: April 29 - Chelsea beat rivals Manchester United 3-0 to win their second consecutive Premiership title and Mourinho's fourth domestic title in a row.
2007: January 11 - Rumours Mourinho could leave Chelsea in the summer surface after he accused the Stamford Bridge board of refusing to back him in the January transfer window.
February 27 - Wins a second Carling Cup, beating Arsenal 2-1 at the Millennium Stadium.
May - Loses Champions League semi-final to Rafael Benitez's Liverpool on penalties and sees United wrest the Barclays Premier League crown from Stamford Bridge. Gains some revenge with an extra-time win over United in the FA Cup final at Wembley.
During the close season only Florent Malouda and Juliano Belletti arrive in cash deals, with Arjen Robben, Glen Johnson and Lassana Diarra departing to balance the books as the lavish spending of previous seasons remained a thing of the past.

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Beckham always ready to captain England

David Beckham insists he will always answer England's call to be captain after taking the armband against Trinidad and Tobago last night.

Beckham led England out for their 3-0 win in Port of Spain, with the cynical view being that it will help gain Jack Warner's vote for the Football Association's 2018 World Cup bid.
Warner, from Trinidad, is FIFA vice-president and holds an important vote - and he has urged the FA to use Beckham in their bid.
'I was surprised and didn't expect it,' Beckham said. 'But I'll always answer the call and be available for my country and captain them as well - it was a surprise but I am honoured to do so.'
Gareth Barry opened the scoring with his first England goal, then Jermain Defoe scored either side of half-time.
'It was a tough performance and the manager was telling us before the game that even though it was a friendly we had to take it seriously,' he added. 'It was the centenary game for them but they wanted to beat England and we had to put in a good performance and I think we did that.
'The players in the camp are motivated and whether we have got experienced players or young players we have to play as one.
'The respect is there [for manager Fabio Capello] and there for one another and that is how it needs to be and the qualifiers are the big thing for us now.'
Defoe was delighted to get back on the scoresheet, his first international goals since 2006.
He told BBC1: 'I enjoyed it. It was important to get the win and I'm delighted to get two goals.
'To play for your country is the best thing in the world. The lads have had long seasons but they're all here and we've enjoyed every minute of it.
'I just want to keep learning. When a new manager comes in everyone starts on the same level and to get two goals, I'm delighted.'

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ballack: Lehmann Is The Right Choice

The Chelsea midfielder has revealed that he has full faith in the 38 year old even though the media and some fans are still doubting whether he should be the countries first-choice keeper for Euro 2008.

Lehmann was partially at fault for both of the goals Belarus scored against Germany earlier in the week, but looked far more assured yesterday as Germany staged a comeback to defeat Serbia 2-1.
Despite a severe lack of first-team action at Arsenal this season, Ballack is convinced the veteran is the right man for the job.
"There is no discussion about him on the team" he said.
"He's had two more matches to gain playing time now. He is very experienced. We trust him and we stick together" the German captain added.
Ballack himself produced a real captain’s performance against Serbia as he drove the side forward and scored the winning goal from a well worked free kick.
"It was important to win the final warm-up match because it gives us a good feeling and a lot of confidence for the tournament" he explained.
"But we need to get better. There are still a few things missing.
"We are calmer, more stable and more experienced than we were two years ago at the World Cup," he said.
"Back then some players played their first big tournament. Now we have more stability in what we do. The team has matured.
"When the tournament starts we will see in what shape we are in and how we play the matches.
"It depends on whether we can start a run. All in all you can never give a prediction beforehand."

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England boss Fabio Capello insisted David Beckham's return as captain in Sunday's international against Trinidad and Tobago was not a cynical move designed to earn votes for their 2018 World Cup bid.
The Los Angeles Galaxy star will wear the armband for the first time since the 2006 World Cup quarter-final against Portugal in Germany when England take to the field for their final match of the 2007-08 season in Port of Spain.
Two years ago Beckham ended the Portugal game in tears after suffering an ankle injury and gave up the captaincy in an emotional statement 24 hours later.
But now he is set to lead out his country for the 59th time.
The former Manchester United and Real Madrid star is the fourth different captain of Capello's six-month reign after Steven Gerrard, Rio Ferdinand and John Terry.
England's end-of-season trip to the Caribbean has been viewed in many quarters as a way of gaining favour with FIFA vice-president and Trinidad and Tobago football federation special advisor Jack Warner ahead of the Football Association's expected bid to host the 2018 World Cup bid.
But Capello is adamant he was put under no pressure by the FA to aid that campaign by giving 33-year-old Beckham the captaincy.
Capello said: "Beckham will be captain tomorrow but the appointment is not a political move. I work for the game - not the political side of things.
"The political side is for the FA and they have not suggested to me that Beckham should be captain tomorrow. There was no pressure put on me.
"No-one could do that to me. I decided as I have decided throughout my life and when I was manager of a club. Beckham was very happy when I told him today."
Capello knows all about Beckham's qualities after the midfielder won over the Italian during his time in charge of Real Madrid after vowing at one stage he would never pick Beckham to play for the Spanish giants again.
Now he seems to be a strong candidate to start England's World Cup campaign after it appeared his international career was over after being frozen out for a year by Steve McClaren.
He said: "I know David very well from our time together at Real Madrid and he did well for me after some problems at the start.
"I can change my mind about things and only stupid people never change their mind. He was very important for Real at the end."
Capello revealed he had Beckham in mind to lead the side for at least one game after he became England coach six months ago.
He said: "We had the four games and he was one of the players I was considering to be captain for a game along with Steven Gerrard, Rio Ferdinand and John Terry.
"I know he gave up the England captaincy a couple of years ago but you can never say never. He was captain for a long time.
"Will he start the World Cup qualifiers? We will have to wait and see but David Beckham played well in the first half against the USA and will be captain tomorrow."
Capello insisted the game in Port of Spain was an important exercise even though seven of the players who took part in the Champions League final between Manchester United and Chelsea have been excused duty.
He said: "It is an important game. You want to know if the players have confidence when they play away from England. It will be important to see if that is the case."
Manchester United captain Ferdinand will be in action and Capello revealed: "He wanted to be part of things out here.
"He could have had a rest and have not come. It was his decision. He wanted to be involved."
The likes of Joe Hart, Gabriel Agbonlahor, Ashley Young and Theo Walcott could play some part and Capello admitted: "I have some idea to give some players a chance for the first time."

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